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10 Fun Things To Do Week of May 17th: Animals, Auctions, Broadway and MORE!

OnOklahomaCity.com proudly presents a brand-new new feature, FUN10, a list of the top 10 things to do in Oklahoma City this week, and every week! Every Sunday, we’ll drop a new FUN10, to give you a head start on your week and a heads up on what’s going on over the coming seven days. Check out FUN10 every Sunday for the details on ten awesome events happening around town. It’s a cool read, and a great way to get started planning your entertainment for the week.

Due to the cancellation of so many regularly scheduled events in Oklahoma City – with more coming in every hour – we’re focusing this week’s edition of Fun10OklahomaCity on fun entertainment you can enjoy in the safety of your own home or while practicing safe ‘social distancing’.


FUN10 — ten ways for you to have fun in Oklahoma City, this week and every week, running every Sunday, only on your site for fun, free, local entertainment, OnOklahomaCity.com!


So what’s on the FUN10 for this week? Read on …



Animal Meet ‘n’ Greet: Oklahoma Backyard Animals

Go behind the scenes at Science Museum Oklahoma and meet some of the wonderful animals that call the museum home. You’ll get an up-close look at some of our quieter co-workers and have the chance to ask their caretakers questions!

On Monday, May 18th, let’s meet some Oklahoma animals you might find in your backyard or neighborhood! From the bullsnake to the toad to the box turtle and the tarantula, Oklahoma is home to lots of interesting wildlife that aren’t pests – they’re important parts of our ecosystem!

This is a live #SMOatHome event only available on Facebook Live. Find the video on our main page, in the event discussion, or here: www.facebook.com/sciencemuseumok/live

Science Museum Oklahoma is temporarily closed to the public in response to COVID-19. See our full Facebook Live schedule at www.sciencemuseumok.org/smoathome/live.

Learn more about our temporary closure here: www.sciencemuseumok.org/covid-19


Virtual Toast and Lecture with David Sanchez

You’re welcome to join the ARTSPACE Staff Tuesday evening on Zoom for a social distance toast and special guest David Sanchez!

David is a Doctor in Design by the Centre for the Study of Natural Design (University of Dundee, Scotland) where he developed a new educational framework to facilitate nature-based experiences and behaviour change towards a Bio-Civilization. He has a background in Industrial Design (BA, MSc UNAM Mexico). He is a visitor lecturer at Schumacher College (University of Plymouth, UK) and Univerisity of Lisbon. Currently he is a research leacturer at School of Architecture, Art and Design at Tec de Monterrey (Guadalajara Mexico). His teachings include Deep Ecology, Biophilic Design, Biomimicry and Land Art expressions.

Grab a drink and join us! Tuesday, May 19th, at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 862 1084 0115
#virtual #talks #nature #ecodesign #landart #biomimicry


Good Shep Shop Virtual Auction

Good Shepherd is hosting a virtual auction with the help of our Teen Board comprised from students around OKC. We have had very generous sponsors donate funds for us to purchase gift cards from businesses in Downtown and Midtown OKC. They will be arranged into fun packages, (Family Fun Night, Since we can’t travel, Date Night, Sweets for a Sweetie, Coffee Coffee Coffee, etc.) We will also have some beautiful art pieces from some of our talented Teen Board Members.

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/589396101671164/.


Everything but the Kitchen Sink Science: Polymers

Explore with us during our weekly science variety experience — you never know what this segment might bring! On Thursday, May 21st, we’re exploring polymers! We’ll shrink some polymers you might have at home, see what happens when you microwave polymers can probably find in your pantry, expand polymers with liquids, and more!

This is a live #SMOatHome event only available on Facebook Live. Find the video on our main page, in the event discussion, or here: www.facebook.com/sciencemuseumok/live

Science Museum Oklahoma is temporarily closed to the public in response to COVID-19. See our full Facebook Live schedule at www.sciencemuseumok.org/smoathome/live.
Learn more about our temporary closure here: www.sciencemuseumok.org/covid-19


CST Live Online with Carpenter Square Theatre

While Carpenter Square Theatre has had to cancel the remainder of its 36th Season, and does not plan to reopen until late fall, it is still in the business of entertaining and enriching the community.

The theater will present the first edition of “CST LiveOnline!” airing “The Maltese Falcon” at 7 p.m. May 22 and 23. It’s an online live-streaming radio show adapted for broadcast in 1946 from the 1941 film that starred Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, and Sydney Greenstreet. Those stars won’t be in the studio, but CST has a wonderful cast comprised of Ben Hall, Crystal Barby, Terry Veal, and Rob May, with C.W. Bardsher creating live sound effects. The company will broadcast the 30-minute show live from the studio of RK-1 Productions near Scissortail Park in beautiful downtown Oklahoma City. Watch for “The Maltese Falcon” on Facebook and YouTube. Viewing is free, but the theater appreciates donations. Also, look for the “tip jar” for RK-1 Productions who are providing their services gratis.

For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/2927375937343968/.

Saturday Market Days at Scissortail Park

Shop the OSU-OKC Farmers Market at Scissortail Park (415 South Robinson Avenue Oklahoma City) each Saturday from 9am – 1pm. The market is located at the corner of Oklahoma City Boulevard and South Robinson Avenue.

In addition to producing a market with the largest assortment of Made in Oklahoma vendors, the OSU-OKC Farmers Market at Scissortail Park will offer cooking demonstrations, speakers, classes, live entertainment, and food trucks creating a festive, vibrant, open-air atmosphere.

There are approximately 170 parking spaces around the perimeter of Scissortail Park. These spaces are free on weekends and after 6pm during the week. In addition, there is street parking to the north and west of the Park.

Additionally, there is an OKC Streetcar stop at the corner of Oklahoma City Boulevard and South Robinson Avenue directly across the street from the market location.

Shopper Assistance:
We are working with our volunteers called the Horticulture Heroes to assist at the market. They will be available to assist shoppers with questions as well as help to carry packages to a shopper’s car. In addition, the Park is investigating the possibility of creating a drive-up purchase pick up area on Oklahoma City Boulevard.

Please email volunteer@scissortailpark.org if you are interested in being a Horticulture Hero

Market Season:
Currently, the OSU-OKC Farmers Market at Scissortail Park will be a seasonal market. However, Park officials are looking at opportunities to extend these operating months by utilizing the Event Pavilion on the southeast corner of the Park. Eventually, the hope is to use space in Union Station for a year-round market.


Red Dirt Open Mic

Red Dirt Poetry is staying virtual and have another dope feature in Red Dirt regular GABI GLIDEWELL!

Bio: Gabi Glidewell recently moved from the red dirt of Oklahoma to be closer to the ocean in Florida. She is a professional magic maker, proud dog momma, and creative. Her work primarily focuses on how trauma affects the body and how we respond to our environment. You can find her on social media at @GabiGlidePoet.

Join us on Skype at the following link: https://join.skype.com/PZ5JQWtdvoVW
We are “in the house” around 7:30pm CST, and the open mic starts at 8:00pm!


Oklahoma City Museum of Art Goes Virtual

While the Oklahoma City Museum of Art (OKCMOA) is temporarily closed to the public, the staff continues to provide enriching virtual Museum experiences and access to the very best in world cinema through at-home screenings. Additionally, they are doing all we can to safely prepare for our upcoming exhibitions as well as return to our film, education and outreach programs as soon as it is safe to do so.

For more virtual experiences at OKCMOA, visit https://www.okcmoa.com/virtual-okcmoa/.


Outdoor Safari Walk at Oklahoma City Zoo

The wait is over, it’s time to rediscover the Zoo you know and love!

The Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden will be taking daily online reservations for its Outdoor Safari Walk, which takes guests on a modified pathway through the park to view a majority of the Zoo’s outdoor animal habitats.

For the health and safety of our guests, team members and animals, and to ensure adequate social distancing between guests, the Zoo will limit the number of guests allowed to visit per day.

Online reservations are required for all guests and ZOOfriends’ members wanting to experience the Outdoor Safari Walk.

On the Outdoor Safari Walk guests will follow a one-way, two-mile trail through almost all of the Zoo to see many of their favorite animals and wildlife habitats including Asian elephants, bison, grizzly and black bears, Indian rhinos, Sumatran tigers, Western lowland gorillas, African lions and more!

Visit http://www.okczoo.org/safari for more information.


Intermission@Home with OKC Broadway

OKC Broadway is bringing the best Broadway content from around the internet straight to you!

Click here, and you’ll find a round-up of educational, inspirational, or fun content with a Great White Way theme. Adding new content weekly. Sign up for their email list to receive weekly recommendations straight to your inbox!


Stay tuned to OnOklahomaCity.com, your site for fun, free, local entertainment for upcoming events in our weekly column, FUN10, every Sunday!


Tess Abney is a freelance writer who was born and raised in the Quad Cities. She spends most of her time attempting to successfully raise three boys. In her free time, writing is her passion. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.